Over the last 25 years, we have seen the most profound explosion of chronic disease in human history.
As we continue to uncover the complexities of the eloquent balance between soil, the microbiome, and ourselves, the timeline of our chronic disease epidemic provides a pathway to recovery toward human health.
Today, it is estimated we spray more than 4.5 billion pounds of glyphosate (the active ingredient in Roundup) into the soils, plants, and water systems of our planet. And there are now dozens of genetically modified plant species around the world, which have allowed chemical companies to develop a seemingly infinite market for their weedkillers.
Since “Roundup Ready” crops debuted in the mid-late 1990’s, this water soluble toxin has worked its way into the water within the grains, fruits, and vegetables we consume. It’s infiltrated Mother Earth’s groundwater, slowly making its way into our rivers, oceans, air, and ultimately our rainfall. It’s in our food, breast milk, water, urine, wine, beer, clothing, tampons, hospital gauze… and the list goes on.
Not surprisingly, the diseases in our domesticated animals – from pets to livestock – have followed a similar trajectory.
Why are so many diseases, in such unrelated parts of the body, increasing at such a rapid rate?
The connecting factor is chronic inflammation. And chronic inflammation is the root of all disease.
So where do we go from here?
Our opportunity – as consumers, farmers, businesses, governments, and beyond – is to build a new health reality for humanity, for our planet, and for all the creatures great and small that create the web of life that we have called home since our origin.
This is the inspiration for an upcoming series focused on glyphosate across both Farmer’s Footprint and ION* to bring awareness, new dialogue and action. Join us LIVE, July 19th at 5pm EST to hear more.