IOA Field Day Sponsorship

As part of your Sponsorship level, you have access to discounted exhibit pricing for any 2024 IOA Field Days.

Overview of exhibiting at an IOA Field Day:

  • Just $100 per event (reg. $500/event)
  • Set up a table with your branding and information
  • Meet event attendees before and after the event
  • Participation in the Field Day
  • Mentioned in event emails and on website ahead of the event

2024 Field Day Calendar

June 21 (Ames, IA) - Tools and Techniques for Plant-Based Protein: Breeding Mung Beans at ISU

July 13 (Cambridge, IA) - Getting Started: Equipment Used in Organic production, w/A&W Farm Operations

July 25 (Kalona, IA) Organic Dairy Processing at Kalona Dairy

July 26 (Paullina, IA) - Organic Field Equipment & Technology Demonstration

July 28 (Fairfield, IA) - Jefferson County Farm Crawl

August 12 (Waterloo, IA) - Transitioning to Organic: Farm Tour and Discussion with Blake Hollis

August 15 (Kalona, IA) - The Ins and Outs of a Grass Fed Organic Dairy Production with Phil Forbes

August 27 (Decorah, IA) - Wholesale Organic Dairy Production with Organic Valley

August 28 (Decorah, IA) - Wholesale Organic Vegetable Production with Organic Valley

August 29 (Decorah, IA) - Seed Savers Exchange Facility and Farm Tour

September 28 (Atlantic, IA) - Cultivating Resiliency through Intergenerational Collaboration: Tour of organic greenhouse, straw bale house, and farmer panel

Exhibit at one or all Field Days at just $100 per event (reg. $500/event).

A member of Iowa Organic Association will follow-up with you to confirm your exact Field Day dates.



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