With your sponsorship you will be helping the IOA Advance the organic industry through various projects that will educate the public and policy makers on the benefits of organic agriculture, and help fund research projects that will advance organic production. This year some of your support will be used to host transitioning to organic workshops, organic field days, a summer harvest celebration, and state and federal level policy work. We will facilitate a growing and connected organic community through monthly e-newsletters and community building projects. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
The benefits for a Sustainer Sponsorship are:
Business-level membership. A half-page sized promotional spot in the annual report. Listed as a corporate sponsor in the monthly E-News. Logo listed on our sponsor webpage. Listed as a field day sponsor at events and on promotion. Opportunity to be exclusive sponsor of a field day of your choice. Opportunity to promote your company’s Iowa organic farmer events through our E-News and social media. Display table at the annual summer harvest celebration.