Become a Sponsor

When you become a supporter, you represent a strong commitment to advancing the organic movement in Iowa. Sponsors help IOA deliver organic programs and resources across Iowa, provide a collective voice for organic advocacy and cultivate greater organic cooperation among agencies, stakeholders and neighbors. We are grateful for any amount you can contribute.

Because the Iowa Organic Association is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, your sponsorship or membership is 100% tax-deductible, less any goods or services received.

Benefits of Sponsorship

Take a look at the various levels of Sponsorship, below.

(Click the image below to view larger version)

Benefits of Sponsorship

Discounted IOA Field Days for Sponsors

Each Sponsor level over $500 is also eligible for a discounted rate for exhibiting at IOA Field Days, for just $100 per event (regular. $500 per event) with no limit to the amount of Field Days.


Audience, Reach, and Exposure

  • Each year, 1,500 people view the Iowa Organic Resource Directory
  • 15,000+ people engage with IOA through outreach at events and conferences
  • IOA network reaches an audience of 8,000+
  • website traffic includes 1,500+ unique visits per month
  • Stakeholder network reaches and audience of 15,000+
  • Paid advertising about organic resources, events and opportunities x 4 times a year reaches an audience of 75,000+


Select a Sponsorship Level