Organic Prairie Farm Management & Seed Production in Williamsburg - Aug 8, 2022

Christine Taliga-Burton, her husband John and daughter Anna Burton, are hosts for the Organic Prairie Farm Management & Seed Production field day at Burtal Farm near Williamsburg. For the past 23 years, Christine and her family have been committed to using organic farming practices to restore tallgrass prairie on their farm and fulfill their vision of farming in harmony with nature, resulting in improved soil health, clean water and thriving diverse farm habitats. The implementation of prairie restoration practices has helped conserve and enhance farm resources while offering a sustainable family enterprise.

This field day will include a farm tour with Christine, John, and Anna as they showcase their prairie areas and share about weed management efforts, conservation challenges and their new journey into selling certified organic prairie pollinator seed and plant products for the home gardener (@Etsy, BurtalFarmSeed).  Andrew Olson from UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center will join us during the field day to answer questions and offer resources about prairie restoration opportunities in Iowa.